Climate Event with Congressman Bruce Westerman (AK4)

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This week, S4CD’s EVP George Gemelas hosted an event with Congressman Bruce Westerman (AK-1) at the Yale School of the Environment. Indy Burke, who serves as the schools’s dean (and previously the Dean of the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming) kicked off the conversation.

Congressman Westerman, who is the ranking member on the House Committee on Natural Resources, beamed in from Capitol Hill to discuss his work in Congress to advance climate solutions. This includes his recent support for the Energy Act of 2020, one of the most significant pieces of climate legislation in a generation.

Gemelas asked Congressman Westerman about his own experience as a forestry student, his motivation for getting involved in the climate cause, his support of measures like the Trillion Trees Act, and his opinion on the pathways to bipartisan collaboration.

Proposals that can appeal to all sides offer the best opportunity to deliver climate solutions that can pass and last. That’s why S4CD focuses on carbon dividends, which has earned the backing of the broadest climate coalition in US history. This includes business and environment leaders, economists, thought-leaders across the political spectrum, students, and more.

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