Recent S4CD Events

Photo: An S4CD event at the University of Maryland, from just before the pandemic.

Photo: An S4CD event at the University of Maryland, from just before the pandemic.

S4CD has hosted and participated in a range of exciting events in the last few weeks. This includes presentations in conjunction with Ocean Awareness Week at the University of Miami, the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida, and the Colby Environmental Coalition (an original S4CD Co-Founder).

In each of these presentations, S4CD’s President Alex Posner has discussed the nature of the climate challenge, the importance of durable, bipartisan solutions, and the breakthrough carbon dividends strategy.

As Posner is fond of highlighting, bipartisanship on climate change is a strategic necessity. That’s because because now and 2050 the US will be governed by at least four different Presidential administrations and by fifteen different Congresses. So climate progress premised on the hope of sustained one-party rule is doomed to fail. Instead, we need solutions that can pass and last—strategies that are resilient to the inevitable swings in American politics.

Enter carbon dividends, which has now earned the support of the broadest climate coalition in American history—including the backing of environment and business leaders, the largest statement of economists in history, and the largest ever declaration of student body presidents. As a bipartisan, market-based solution, carbon dividends offers the unique ingredients for bipartisan climate breakthrough.

As the carbon dividends strategy picks up speed, now is a great opportunity to learn more and plug-in to the movement. Sign-up below to bring S4CD to your campus!

S4CD Team